See us on Facebook
PFLAG+ Parents and Carers Peer Support
If you’re a parent, other family or friend caring for an LGBTI+ person, you’re not alone! We can meet up with you for coffee, or chat over the phone. We can share information and experiences. Until there’s real acceptance and understanding of gender and sexual diversity in all aspects of society, we need to support one another for the sake of our LGBTIQA+ children, siblings and friends.
Please feel free to contact us. Email us at
Supporting our LGBTIQA+ youth is a priority for PFLAG+ Toowoomba. MOSAIC Pride (MOSAIC = Moving Out Of Shadows And Into Community) has run, among other things, a youth group. The youth group is in obeyance for some time, because they had no place to meet. The Qld Council for LGBTQI+ Health should be up and running this year and has a safe space. Mosaic Pride will hopefully be able to continue their amazing group. All LGBTIQA+ youth (13 to 17 years; 12 years with explicit parental consent) are welcome.
They have Facebook Group: Mosaic Pride They’re also on Instagram.
There are Discord groups for under 18 youth and over 18s.
Contact: for more information.
Toowoomba LGBTQIA+ Friendship Group
Facebook: Toowoomba LGBTQIA+ Friendship Group
This is a great group in Toowoomba for finding friends with various events.
PFLAG+ @ the Markets
From time to time we hold a rainbow stall at the PCYC or Queens Park Markets in Toowoomba. Contact us for the date of our next stall… then drop in and say hello! We will post about our markets on our facebook and on the Mosaic Facebook.
PFLAG+ Australia
This new national body has just launched! Contact details for other PFLAG+ groups around the country are available on the Brisbane PFLAG+ website.
What is PFLAG+?
PFLAG+ stands for ‘Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (and others)’. It is an international peer support group which began in 1972 when one mother, Jeanne Manford, proclaimed her love and support for her gay son, Morty, by walking in a New York Christopher Street Liberation Day March.
PFLAG started in Australia over 30 years ago. PFLAG+ Toowoomba started in 2015.
We want to help Toowoomba and the surrounding towns become more welcoming for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, or asexual/ agender (LGBTQIA+)… or any others on the spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation.
We support the parents, partners and friends of LGBTQIA+ people by providing a listening ear and a safe place to talk. We hope to build a community of parents, family and friends of LGBTQIA+ people where we can share our experiences and support for each other and our loved ones.
We strive to support LGBTQIA+ people who are, or fear they may be, abandoned by their families. We provide information to them while they are going through the process of “coming out”.
We aim to educate the general community about LGBTQIA+ issues.
We join with LGBTQIA+ people in advocating for less discrimination, good services and equal rights.
Please contact us if you want to be an ally to LGBTQIA+ people in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs.
It’s a big step when your child comes out
Some families have no problems when a child comes out. Others are accepting, but have fears about what it might mean for their child. Some find it hard to understand and relationships can be strained.
PFLAG+ groups around the world encourage parents to stand up for their children and say “I love and accept my child”. It’s as simple and as complex as that.
PFLAG+ knows that parents go through a range of emotions when their children come out and provides a safe place for parents to work through those feelings.
Where and what sort of organisation is PFLAG+?
There are PFLAG+ groups in all Australian States. Each group acts independently and is 100% voluntary. PFLAG+ has no political bias and is non-religious. The national group, PFLAG+ Australia, gives us a stronger voice, allowing us to speak out against the discrimination, injustice, homophobia and transphobia that still exists in society today.
Why is there a need for PFLAG+?
The LGBTQIA+ community is one of the minority groups in Australia that lives with discrimination, inequality and injustice. (Note the emerging acronyms, SOGII – Sexual Orientation Gender Identity & Intersex, and MOGAI – Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities, And Intersex, for this community.)
The Human Rights Commissioner of Australia released a 2015 report on LGBTIQIA+ rights. Information can also be found on Wikipedia. Whilst legal protections exist against discriminatory practices in Australia, particularly since 2013 with the passing of the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill, in reality many LGBTQIA+ people regularly face verbal and physical bullying and violence in their daily lives.
Almost two-thirds of Australians supported same sex marriage in the 2017 national survey. It’s finally legal!
As parents and friends of loved ones who identify as LGBTQIA+, we believe it is important that they are able to live their lives with honesty and integrity and without the fear of discrimination, ostracism or abuse, should they disclose their sexual orientation.
Those who are not accepted by friends, family or community can know they are welcomed and supported by our group. We feel that it is important to not just support our children and friends, but to stand beside them.
DISCLAIMER: PFLAG+ TOOWOOMBA is a small not for profit and unincorporated group with no membership fees.
As such, we hold no public liability insurance. If you attend any event organised by PFLAG+ TOOWOOMBA, you are implicitly agreeing that you are participating in the activity at your own risk, and indemnify the organisers against all liability for any property loss or injury, illness or death
Image Attribution
Benson Kua for Wikimedia Commons
Sarah Klockars-Clauser for
Sarah Klockars-Clauser for