Gays are equal



This page shows some of the range of organizations helpful to LGBTQIA people in Australia. However, many world wide organizations also exist. Keep searching!

Diverse Voices

Formerly known as the Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association, this is a non-profit organization with a focus on the wellbeing of the LGBTI community through operation of the Gay Line and Lesbian line, peer telephone counseling service.

Allied with Q life and LGBTI Health Alliance

Helpline 1800 184 527 5.30pm to 10.30pm every day

Online Counselling via Q life web page

Beyond Blue

A great resource for mental health with an emergency help line

Emergency Help Ph .1300 22 463


(Ages 12 to 25) Ph: 1800 650 890



Is an online youth mental service – it is a fount of information for youth people. LGBTQIA information can be found here.


is a part of the LGBTI Health Alliance focusing on mental health

Minus 18

is Australia’s biggest youth led LGBTQIA organization

FTM Australia

is a support group for transgender men

OOI Australia

is a support group for intersex people

Asexual Awareness Week

is a facebook page for asexual people

Straight Spouse Network Australia

is for people whose partners have come out as gay or trans.

Australian Marriage Equality

advocates for marriage equality.


SameSame and Pink News